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Category Archives: Training Negative Behavior

Puppy Shyness–How To Change Your Puppy’s Timid Behavior

Puppy shyness is not an uncommon problem for dog owners, most especially in toy dog breeds. But it has been observed that at least one shy puppy can be found in each litter. According to experts, pet owners are supposed to give these types of puppies some kind of special consideration for their special personality….

Stop Your Dog’s Fear of Thunder and Other Loud Noises

Stop your dog’s fear of thunder and other loud noises naturally by implementing simple ways to make it feel safe and avoiding to reinforce its fearful behavior. It is not uncommon for dogs to be afraid of thunder or loud noises; for even the fiercest of dog breeds have the tendency to run in fear…

Stop Dog Stealing Food

Stop dog stealing food - this is a task that every dog owner should do when they realize that their pet is into this form of undesirable habit of sneakily taking away food from the table or from the hands of unsuspecting little children. Dogs steal food because they are attracted by its scent. Unfortunately,…

Dog Roaming - Prevent Your Dog From Getting Lost

Dog roaming is a problem that dog owners face sometimes . This problem may not be as serious as dog aggressiveness or dog digging, but this behavior opens the tendency for your dog to become lost, stolen or harmed by other people or animals. In order to see to it that your dog doesn’t pull…

Dog Aggression Towards People - Prevention is Better Than Cure

Dog aggression towards people is the most spiteful of all dog behaviors. It poses danger not only to strangers but even to people close to the dog. It should be stopped immediately once it is detected and before your dog inflicts any harm on anyone. Aggression is a product of anxiety and fear. A dog…

Dog Growling Over Food - Don’t Let it Happen For Long

Dog growling over food is a thing that even the cuddliest of puppies do. Dogs are animals and animals live by instincts. By instinct, any animal’s mission is to survive, and nature’s way is to allow only the fittest to carry on. This is the most probable rationale why dog growling over food is prevalent. …

Submissive Urination - Understanding it is the Way to Stop it

Submissive urination is a condition that is not uncommon in puppies, most especially those that are timid, oversensitive or shy ones. If this is not corrected, some of these puppies will carry this problem into adulthood. Submissive urination is a dog behavior wherein it urinates indiscriminately as soon as it becomes excited, aroused or afraid. …

Stop Dog Begging for Food or Attention

Stop dog begging, be it for food or attention. It is time to realize that your dog acquires this behavior because someone taught it to become a beggar by rewarding it for begging; and it is presumed that you know who it is. A dog that has never been fed from the table will not…

Stop Dog Digging

You’ve got to stop dog digging if it becomes an obsession for your pet. Digging is a dog’s natural behavior, an instinct that dogs normally do as they are. It is a form of exercise that nature has endowed them with to enable them to flex their muscles and to relieve them from extreme boredom. …

Learn the Secrets to Stop Dog Marking

The first step to stop dog marking is to understand why it happens. Your pet will mark certain locations for several reasons: 1. He feels comfortable or nervous 2. To establish hierarchy or dominance in a territory 3. To “advertise” their sexual availability 4. dog marking due to separation anxieties Dog urine will tell other…

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